Ignition Interlock Devices in Maryland DUIs

Ignition interlock devices in Maryland DUIs are becoming more and more in common. On October 1, 2016, Noah’s Law became a much stronger, stricter code for DUI alleged offenses. This law significantly expanded the ignition interlock device program in the state. This device is required for individuals convicted of a DUI who want to still be able to drive. Also, when a person is charged with a DUI, not only are they going to district court, but they are also going to have to deal with the Motor Vehicle Administration if they are a Maryland licensed driver. If the driver is from out of state, Mayland will sanction their ability to drive in the state.

For more information about ignition interlock devices in Maryland DUIs, consult with a well-established DUI attorney.

Modified License

Some people charged with a DUI may be able to get a modified license. A person may get a modified license after requesting an MVA hearing. However, an individual cannot get a modified license if they had a blood alcohol content at .15 or above. An individual with a modified license will only be able to drive to specific places and at certain times. This means that the person cannot drive to meet up with friends at the bar late at night. The modified license will allow the individual to drive to:

Alcohol education
Health purposes

How An Ignition Interlock Device Works

Ignition interlock devices in Maryland DUIs work by being installed in a vehicle. After it is installed, the driver has to blow into it to start their vehicle. If a person has alcohol on their breath, then the vehicle will not start. These devices are installed by a service provider that has been approved by the state of Maryland. At the service provider facility, the driver must have the device downloaded, cleaned, and checked for the entire six or 12 months that they have the device. If they fail to do this, then they will be thrown out of the program and will not get any credit for the time they were on it. A driver is allowed up to three misses over the course of the year. When a person gets kicked out of the program, they cannot re-apply for an ignition interlock device until 30 days have gone by.

Contacting A Maryland DUI Attorney For More Information

As mentioned above, ignition interlock devices in Maryland DUIs are becoming increasingly more common. Therefore, it is essential for individuals to know how the program works in order to complete it. When someone completes the program, they may be allowed to get their full driving privileges back. If you have been arrested for a DUI, reach out to an accomplished DUI attorney who could work tirelessly to help you avoid a conviction. A DUI conviction carries severe penalties such as jail time, fines, and the loss of driving privileges. A DUI charge also means that the driver must use an ignition interlock device on their vehicle. If you have any more questions about ignition interlock devices in Maryland DUIs and how an attorney could help your situation, contact a lawyer today.

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